Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Dear Canada: If I Die Before I Wake
The Flu Epidemic Diary of Fiona Macgregor, Toronto, Ontario, 1918

Dear Canada: The Death of My Country
The Plains of Abraham Diary of Genevieve Aubuchon, Quebec, New France, 1759

Game Time: Making the Cut

Dear Canada: No Safe Harbour
The Halifax Explosion Diary of Charlotte Blackburn, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1917

Don't Care High

Dancing Through the Snow

Caillou: Hansel and Gretel

Dear Canada: Where the River Takes Me
The Hudson's Bay Diary of Jenna Sinclair, Fort Victoria, Vancouver's Island, 1849

Dear Canada: A Season for Miracles
Twelve Tales of Christmas

Losing Joe's Place

Dear Canada: Brothers Far From Home
The World War I Diary of Eliza Bates, Uxbridge, Ontario, 1916

Dear Canada: An Ocean Apart
The Gold Mountain Diary of Chin Mei-Ling, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1922

Dear Canada: Whispers of War
The War of 1812 Diary of Susanna Merritt, Niagara, Upper Canada, 1812

Dear Canada: A Desperate Road to Freedom
The Underground Railroad Diary of Julia May Jackson, Virginia to Canada West, 1863-1864

Game Time: Off the Crossbar

Dear Canada: Prisoners in the Promised Land
The Ukrainian Internment Diary of Anya Soloniuk, Spirit Lake, Quebec, 1914

Dear Canada: Days of Toil and Tears
The Child Labour Diary of Flora Rutherford, Almonte, Ontario, 1887

Dear Canada: Blood Upon Our Land
The North West Resistance Diary of Josephine Bouvier, Batoche, District of Saskatchewan, 1885

Game Time: Rebel Power Play

Dear Canada: A Christmas to Remember
Tales of Comfort and Joy

Dear Canada: Turned Away
The World War II Diary of Devorah Bernstein, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1941

About a Bear

Titanic : N° 3 - SOS