Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Time of Treason

Joseph Fipps

The ACB with Honora Lee

Judy Moody and Stink: The Big Bad Blackout
Dinner with the Highbrows
A Story about Good (or Bad) Manners

Mystère et boule de gomme!

The Poet
Pauline Johnson

Haunted Canada: Ghost Stories

The Golden Goose
A Scholastic Canada Reader

Je peux lire! Niveau 4 : L'oie d'or

King's Dragon, The


Little Bundle of Love

Hush Little Baby

Winken, Bllinken, and Nod

There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

Pocket Full of Posies

Star Light, Star Bright

The Quayside Cat

Hansel and Gretel

This Little Pig

Jack and Jill

Simple Simon