Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume 2

The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney: Volume II, 1774-1777

Benjamin Franklin Bache and the Philadelphia "Aurora"

Genius at Work (old)

Youngblood of the Peace

Cape Breton Captain

The Years Before Anne

A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia
The Recollections of Susan Allison

Pioneering Aviation in the West
As told by the pioneers
R.G. Ferguson
Crusader against Turberculosis

The Railway King of Canada
Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923

Wings Over the Sea
The Story of Allan Moses

Portage Lake
Memories of an Ojibwe Childhood

The Strangers Next Door

Denison's Ice Road

A Childhood in Wartime Prague

In the Company of Strangers

John Ruskin and Switzerland

Pioneer Scientist
Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store

Old Man Ontario
Leslie M. Frost

Biographical Index of Artists in Canada

Old Man Ontario
Leslie M. Frost

Pioneer Scientist