Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Dictionary of Canadian Biography, 1891-1900

Incredible Gang Ranch

Right On, You Got the Elbow Out!
Wartime Memories of the R.C.A.F.

A Name for Himself
A Biography of Thomas Head Raddall

Real Alaskans
Men and Women Who Make the Great Land Great
Jimmy Gardiner
Relentless Liberal

Thomas Attwood
The Biography of a Radical
A Love Story of Nineteenth Century Quebec
The Diary of George Stephen Jones

A Love Story from Nineteenth Century Quebec
The Diary of George Stephen Jones

The Consummate Canadian
A Biography of Samuel Weir Q.C.

Life Before Stratford
The Memoirs of Amelia Hall

Walk Alone Together
Portrait of a French-English Marriage

Three Men and a Forester
What Our High Schools Could Be...
A Teacher's Reflections from the 60's to the 90's

Joe Zuken, Citizen and Socialist

Circumnavigating Father

Border Bank Bandits
A Frank W. Anderson Living History of the West

Clarence Hincks
Mental Health Crusader

High Adventure with Helicopters

Yukoners: True Tales
True Tales of the Yukon

Agnes Macphail and the Politics of Equality

The Athabasca Ryga

A Record of Writing
An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography of George Bowering