Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
Two of the Best In the Neighbourhood
An Anecdotal History of 2 Pianos 4 Hands
Paper Trails
From the Backwoods to the Front Page, a Life in Stories
Stolen Family
Captive in Saudi Arabia
Crash Harrison
Tales of a Bomber Pilot Who Defied Death
Notes on a Writer's Life
A Memoir
Hitman for the Kindness Club
Famous for a Time
Forgotten Giants of Canadian Sport
Seventh Son
My Road to Success
Lawrencia's Last Parang
A Memoir of Loss and Belonging as a Black Woman in Canada
Mischief in High Places
The Life and Times of Sir Richard Squires
Confessions of an Immigrant's Daughter
Zygmunt Bauman and the West
A Sociology of Intellectual Exile
An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years
The Memoirs of Mark MacGuigan
The Ghost of Catharine Parr Traill
An Ancestor's Guide to Wellbeing
My Daughter's Heart
A family’s journey of resilience through a life-threatening crisis.
Brass & Unity
One Woman's Journey Through the Hell of Afghanistan and Back
Crossing the River
An unsettling memoir
The Skinny
My messy, hopeful fight for full recovery from anorexia
Growing Old, Growing Cold
Notes on Swimming, Aging, and Finishing Last
One Man's Journey
The Mi’kmaw Revival in Ktaqmkuk
Always Another River
The Becoming
My Own Blood
A Memoir of Special-Needs Parenting
We've Got This
Unlocking the Beauty of Belonging