Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
Ordinary Notes
Frances Barkley
Eighteenth-century Seafarer
Chefs Autochtones du Canada
The Woman Who Would Be King
The MADUSA Story
How Not to Kill Yourself
A Portrait of the Suicidal Mind
British Columbiana
A Millennial in a Gold Rush Town
Funkiest Man Alive
Rufus Thomas and Memphis Soul
A Defiant Dene
Crying Wolf
A Memoir
Destroying Myths and Misogyny in Endometriosis Care
Halal Sex
The Intimate Lives of Muslim Women in North America
The Mi'kmaq Anthology, Volumn Two
In Celebration of the Life of Rita Joe
Chasing Paradise
A Hitchhiker's Search for Home in a World at War with Itself
Tom's Story
My 16 tear Friendship with a Homeless Man
A Snake on the Heart
History, Mystery, and Truth:The Entangled Journeys of a Biographer and His Nazi Subject
There Was a Time for Everything
A Memoir
The Story of An Entrepreneurial Environmentalist Inside Alberta's Oil and Gas Industry
Song of the Sparrow
A Memoir
Everything Left to Remember
My Mother, Our Memories, and a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains
E nâtamukw miyeyimuwin
Residential School Recovery Stories of the James Bay Cree, Volume 1
Reveries of a Mountain Dweller
Harvesting Freedom
The Life of a Migrant Worker in Canada
The Turcottes
The Remarkable Story of a Horse Racing Dynasty
Eyes on the Horizon
My Journey Toward Justice