Browse Books in History
Fragment, Image, and Absence in 1960s Japan
Making Worlds
Global Invention in the Early Modern Period
What Are Our Supports?
Art for Coexistence
Unlearning the Way We See Migration
Wabanaki Modern | Wabanaki Kiskukewey | Wabanaki Moderne
The Artistic Legacy of the 1960s “Micmac Indian Craftsmen” | Ta'n Koqoey Naqtmuksi'kɨpp 1960ekk “Mi'kmewaqq L'nu'k ta'n Natawiteka'tijik” | L’héritage artistique des Micmac Indian Craftsmen des années 1960
Scott, Brandtner, Eveleigh, Webber
Revisiting Montreal Abstraction of the 1940s
Janet Werner
Sticky Pictures
The Architecture of Empire
France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664-1962
The Architecture of Empire
France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664–1962
Enchanted Objects
Visual Art in Contemporary Fiction
Made for the Eye of One Who Sees
Canadian Contributions to the Study of Islamic Art and Archaeology
Northern Sparks
Innovation, Technology Policy, and the Arts in Canada from Expo 67 to the Intern et Age
Expo 67 and Its World
Staging the Nation in the Crucible of Globalization
Unsettling Canadian Art History
Jackson's Wars
A.Y. Jackson, the Birth of the Group of Seven, and the Great War
Hollis Frampton
Painted Worlds
The Art of Maud Lewis, A Critical Perspective
Double-Edged Comforts
Domestic Life in Modern Italian Art and Visual Culture
In the Present Moment
Buddhism, Contemporary Art and Social Practice
The Moving Statues of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam
Automata, Waxworks, Fountains, Labyrinths
The Ibero-American Baroque
Playful Pictures
Art, Leisure, and Entertainment in the Venetian Renaissance Home
Sybil & Cyril
Cutting through Time