Browse Books in Canadian

Negotiations in a Vacant Lot
Studying the Visual in Canada

Hanging Fred and a Few Others
Painters of the Eastern Townships

The Wordless Leonard Cohen Songbook
A Biography in 80 Wood Engravings

Into the Light
The Paintings of William Blair Bruce (1859 - 1906)

The Life and Art of Harry and Jessie Webb

Tom Thomson 2015
Bilingual (English/French)

The Art of Roy Henry Vickers

Pat Martin Bates
Balancing on a Thread

Sister and I in Alaska

Never More Together
A Wordless Poem

Myfanwy Macleod
or There and Back Again

Du coq à l’âme
L’art populaire au Québec

From Realism to Abstraction
The Art of J. B. Taylor

Canadian Pioneers
Masterworks from the Sobey Collection

Marion Nicoll
Silence and Alchemy

Marion Nicoll
Silence and Alchemy

Paul-Émile Borduas
A Critical Biography

The Vaults
Art from the MacKenzie Art Gallery and the University of Regina Collections

Glow, Not Gold

Restoring the Lost Fred Ross Mural

Charles Edenshaw

First Peoples of Canada
Masterworks from the Canadian Museum of Civilization

In the Footsteps of the Group of Seven

Harold Mortimer-Lamb
The Art Lover