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Browse Books in Canadian

Ted Drover

Ships Artist

by (author) Sheilah Mackinnon Drover
illustrated by Ted Drover


Tributes + Tributaries, 1971-1989

edited by Wanda Nanibush & Georgiana Uhlyarik

Beau Dick

Revolutionary Spirit

by (author) Darrin Martens

Sonny Assu

A Selective History

by (artist) Sonny Assu
foreword by Janet Rogers
by (author) Candice Hopkins, Marianne Nicolson, Richard Van Camp & Ellyn Walker

Alan Caswell Collier, Relief Stiff

An Artist’s Letters from Depression-Era British Columbia

edited by Peter Neary

Annie Pootoogook

Cutting Ice

by (author) Nancy Campbell

Close to the edge... The Work of Gerald Ferguson

Collected Writings and Statements

edited by David Diviney

The Roots of Culture, the Power of Art

The First Sixty Years of the Canada Council for the Arts

by (author) Monica Gattinger

Les fondements de la culture, le pouvoir de l'art

Les soixante premières années du Conseil des arts du Canada

by (author) Monica Gattinger

Reawakening Our Ancestors' Lines

Revitalizing Inuit Traditional Tattooing

by (author) Hovak Johnston
photographs by Cora DeVos & Meta Antolin


The A.K. Prakash Collection in Trust to the Nation

by (author) Katerina Atanassova

Morrice (French)

Une collection offerte par A.K. Prakash a la nation

by (author) Katerina Atanassova

Sculpture in Canada

A History

by (author) Maria Tippett

Un territoire a partager

L'art du paysage au Canada

by (author) Victoria Dickenson, Lee Maracle & Natalie Fontaine

Tom Thomson

The Silence and the Storm

by (author) David Silcox & Harold Town

Robert Bateman's Canada

by (author) Robert Bateman

The Life and Art of Arthur Pitts

by (author) Kerry Mason

Canadian Painters in a Modern World, 1925-1955

Writings and Reconsiderations

by (author) Lora Senechal Carney

Canadian Painters in a Modern World, 1925–1955

Writings and Reconsiderations

by (author) Lora Senechal Carney

Sketch by Sketch Along Nova Scotia's South Shore

by (author) Emma FitzGerald

The Writing on the Wall

The Work of Joane Cardinal-Schubert

edited by Lindsey V. Sharman
contributions by Mike Schubert, Monique Westra, Alisdair MacRae, Tanya Harnett & Gerald McMaster

The Writing on the Wall

The Work of Joane Cardinal-Schubert

edited by Lindsey Sharman


The Graphic Art of James Simon Mishibinijima

by (author) James Simon

Once Imagined

An Artist's Journey Through Abandoned Places

by (author) Michelle Hendry

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