Feminism Posts

Aimee Wall on The Great Canadian Abortion Novel
"I didn’t want the plot to turn on an abortion or the decision to have one. Any conflict or tension is rooted elsewhere."

12 Books for International Women's Day
Can you hear them now? If you can't, you're not listening. Recent memoirs and biographies about remarkable women would make great picks for International …

The Abortion Caravan: A Ragtag Army of the Willing
The Abortion Caravan, intent on bearding prime minister Pierre Trudeau in his den and removing abortion from the Criminal Code, set off for Vancouver …

Launchpad: Grandmother School, by Rina Singh and Ellen Rooney
"How great a treat it will be to read this book in a grandmother’s lap."

Two Amazing Books for Young Readers
At a moment when so many of us are looking for inspiration and longing for visionary leadership, here are two extraordinary new releases.

Lives of Girls and Women
22 books to celebrate for International Women's Day.

The Chat with Kelly S. Thompson
Kelly S. Thompson served as a captain in the Canadian Armed Forces and writes about her experiences as a female soldier in her compelling debut memoir, …

These Women have HAD IT UP TO HERE

Fiercely Feminist Fiction
Books with fierce female leads and a bone to pick with the patriarchy.