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Éditions Chouette

Books from this publisher

Talia et le royaume arc-en-ciel: Mon grand livre d’autocollants

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Guru Animation Studio Ltd.
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Ranger Rob: Mon grand livre d’autocollants

Plus de 500 autocollants

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Nelvana Ltd
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Robocar Poli: Joyeux anniversaire, Héli !

Livre avec rabats

illustrated by ROI Visual
adapted by Anne Paradis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Robocar Poli: Mon grand livre d’autocollants

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by ROI Visual
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Mes 100 premiers mots

Mon imagier à emporter

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Annie Sechao
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Compte avec moi: 10 Petits pirates

Livre avec rabats

adapted by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Jayne Schofield
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Compte avec moi : 10 Petites sirènes

Livre avec rabats

adapted by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Jayne Schofield
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Lis avec Robocar Poli: Une visite à la ferme

Niveau 1: Lecteur débutant

adapted by Rebecca Klevberg Moeller
illustrated by ROI Visual

Lis avec Ranger Rob: Alerte moufette

Niveau 1: Futur ranger

adapted by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Nelvana Ltd.

Lis avec Robocar Poli: Vive les héros!

Niveau 2: Lecteur chevronné

adapted by Rebecca Klevberg Moeller
illustrated by ROI Visual

Lis avec Ranger Rob: Un amour de caméléon

Niveau 2: Apprenti ranger

adapted by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Nelvana Ltd.

Comment attraper un ours qui aime lire

by (author) Juliana Léveillé-Trudel, Andrew Katz & CrackBoom! Books
illustrated by Joseph Sherman

Caillou: Le Nouvel An chinois

Avec masque de dragon et mosaïques autocollantes

adapted by Corinne Delporte
illustrated by Mario Allard

Petits Curieux: Dans la jungle

illustrated by Bangson Books
translated by Anne Paradis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Petits Curieux: Sous l'océan

illustrated by Bangson Books
translated by Anne Paradis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Petits Curieux: Les licornes

illustrated by Bangson Books
translated by Anne Paradis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Petits Curieux: Les dragons

illustrated by Bangson Books
translated by Anne Paradis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Coffret Ranger Rob: Mon ami le yéti

Livre avec 2 aventures et peluche Pile-Poil

by (author) Corinne Delporte & CrackBoom! Books
illustrated by Nelvana Ltd.

Coffret Caillou: La veille de Noël

Livre avec 2 histoires et peluche Gilbert

by (author) Anne Paradis
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Les couleurs sous l'océan (Mon livre de bain)

illustrated by Karina Dupuis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Les bébés animaux: Jeu d'association

Mon livre de bain

illustrated by Karina Dupuis & Annie Sechao
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Bébé Caillou: Joyeux Noël!

Avec rabats suprises

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Kary

Journal d'un ogre

by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books
illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere
translated by Ericksen

Journal d'une fée

by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books
illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere
translated by Ericksen

Mes 100 premiers animaux

Mon imagier à emporter

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Annie Sechao
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Journal d'un monstre

by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books
illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere
translated by Ericksen

Journal d'une sorcière

by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books
illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere
translated by Ericksen

Robocar Poli: Mon manuel de sécurité routière

À emporter partout!

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by ROI Visual
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Ranger Rob: La chasse aux insectes

Un livre interactif avec lumière!

text by Corinne Delporte
illustrated by Nelvana, Ltd
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Dodo autour du monde

Un livre veilleuse

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Karina Dupuis
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Ranger Rob: À la découverte du Grand Parc Aventure (Petits détectives)

Cherche et trouve pour tout-petits

illustrated by Nelvana
text by Corinne Delporte
by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Qui a fait ça? Une enquête rigolote pour enfants

by (author) Joris & Marieke Job & CrackBoom! Books
translated by Éditions Chouette

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