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Children's Fiction Words

Mes 100 premiers mots

Mon imagier à emporter

text by Anne Paradis

illustrated by Annie Sechao

by (author) CrackBoom! Books

Éditions Chouette
Initial publish date
Mar 2019
Words, Colors, Size & Shape, General, Seasons
  • Board book

    Publish Date
    Mar 2019
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 2 to 18
  • Grade: p to 1


Attrape ton imagier par la poignée et pars à la découverte du monde qui t’entoure! Grâce à sa grande variété de mots joliment illustrés et habilement mis en scène, ce livre aide les plus petits à développer leur vocabulaire : couleurs, animaux, formes, saisons, etc. Un livre tout-carton avec une poignée à transporter partout!

About the authors

CrackBoom! Books - Books to learn, laugh, inspire ...and so much more!

CrackBoom! Books is devoted to bringing innovative reading experiences to children ages 0 to 12. Our bold, fun and colorful formats have won over the hearts of little ones worldwide since 2016. We offer a great variety of fun and educational books: picture books, touch-and-feel books, word books, nightlight books, lift-the-flap books, sticker books, look and- find books, and many other options!

CrackBoom! Books is an imprint of PAPP International Inc.

Anne Paradis' profile page

Annie Sechao's profile page

CrackBoom! Books - Books to learn, laugh, inspire ... and so much more!


CrackBoom! Books is devoted to bringing innovative reading experiences to children ages 0 to 12. Our bold, fun and colorful formats have won over the hearts of little ones worldwide since 2016. We offer a great variety of fun and educational books: picture books, touch-and-feel books, word books, nightlight books, lift-the-flap books, sticker books, look and- find books, and many other options!


CrackBoom! Books is an imprint of PAPP International Inc.

CrackBoom! Books' profile page

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