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Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd.

Books from this publisher

New Blue Distance, The

by (author) Jeanette Lynes

Figuring Ground

by (author) Robert Moore


by (author) Chris Pannell

I can still draw

by (author) Heather Spears


a poempark

by (author) Oana Avasilichioaei

Sister Prometheus

Discovering Marie Curie

by (author) Douglas Burnet-Smith

Baltic Quintet, The

Poems from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden

edited by Edita Page

I thought elvis was italian

by (author) Domenico Capilongo

Dismantled Secrets

by (author) Maxianne Berger

Once a Murderer

by (author) Zoë Landale


Notes on the written word

by (author) Naomi Beth Wakan

Under the Wings of Africa

by (author) John Weier

Selected Portraits

by (author) Ron Charach

Turning Mountain

by (author) Paul Wilson

Mongoose Diaries, The

Excerpts from a mother's first year

by (author) Erin Noteboom

Full Depth

The Raymond Knister Poems

by (author) Micheline Maylor

Loyalty Management

by (author) Glen Downie

My mother agrees with the dead

by (author) Susan Stenson

Bohemian Embassy, The

Memories and Poems

by (author) Don Cullen

Museum Absconditum

by (author) Robert Moore

Pink purse girl

by (author) Susan Helwig

Primer on the Hereafter

by (author) Steve McOrmond

Late Bloomer

On writing later in life

by (author) Naomi Wakan

Scoring in Injury Time

by (author) Francis Sparshott

Fist of Remembering, The

by (author) Jim Nason



by (author) Catherine Owen


by (author) Oana Avasilichioaei

Fabulous Freaks

by (author) Stan Rogal

Worthy of His Fall

by (author) Richard Harrison

Living Will

by (author) Harold Rhenisch


by (author) Naomi Wakan

Seal Up the Thunder

by (author) Erin Noteboom

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