Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Books from this publisher
Towards an Ethics of Community
Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society
Florence Nightingale on Public Health Care
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 6
Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 4
Spirituality and Health
Multidisciplinary Explorations
Paul Cardinal Cullen and the Shaping of Modern Irish Catholicism
Value Assumptions in Risk Assessment
A Case Study of the Alachlor Controversy
Traditions in Contact and Change
Selected Proceedings of the XIVth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions
Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada
Utilization, Misuse, and Development of Human Resources in the Early West Indian Colonies
Humanities in the Present Day
Reason Over Passion
The Social Basis of Evaluation and Appraisal
A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics
Irenaeus, Hippolytus and Epiphanius
The Noble Savage
Allegory of Freedom
Ernest Buckler
Rediscovery and Reassessment
The Montreal Massacre
A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis
A Body of Vision
Representations of the Body in Recent Film and Poetry
The Rivals
(Les Corrivaus)
Education as and for Legitimacy
Developments in West Indian Education Between 1846 and 1895
Doctors, Patients, and Society
Power and Authority in Medical Care
Between Worlds
A Study of the Plays of John Webster
Difficult Games
A Reading of I Racconti by Italo Calvino
Leopoldo Zea
From Mexicanidad to a Philosophy of History
Le Court d’Amours de Mahieu le Poirier
La Suite anonyme de la Court d’Amours
The Challenge of Children’s Rights for Canada
From Civil to Political Religion
The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics
The Feminine Gaze
A Canadian Compendium of Non-Fiction Women Authors and Their Books, 1836-1945
A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics
David Joris and Dutch Anabaptism, 1524-1543
Lawrence, Greene and Lowry
The Fictional Landscape of Mexico
The Divine Name in the Bible
The Social Sciences in Canada
50 Years of National Activity by the Social Science Federation of Canada
Religious Dimensions of Child and Family Life
Reflections on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child