Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Books from this publisher
Seven Eggs Today
The Diaries of Mary Armstrong, 1859 and 1869
Collective Autonomy
A History of the Council of Ontario Universities, 1962-2000
Image and Identity
Reflections on Canadian Film and Culture
Doctors, Patients, and Society
Power and Authority in Medical Care
The New Republic
A Commentary on Book I of More’s Utopia Showing Its Relation to Plato’s Republic
Augustine’s Conversion
A Guide to the Argument of Confessions I-IX
Rulership and Colonialism in the Mpondo Kingdom (c. 1780-1867)
Reflections on the Margins of Literature
Towards an Ethics of Community
Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society
Theories of Property
Aristotle to the Present
The Promise of Critical Theology
Essays in Honour of Charles Davis
Chasing the Comet
A Scottish-Canadian Life
The Public Realm and the Public Self
The Political Theory of Hannah Arendt
The Feminine Gaze
A Canadian Compendium of Non-Fiction Women Authors and Their Books, 1836-1945
The Noble Savage
Allegory of Freedom
Bountiful Island
A Study of Land Tenure on a Micronesian Atoll
The European Emblem
Towards an Index Emblematicus
Le Court d’Amours de Mahieu le Poirier
La Suite anonyme de la Court d’Amours
The Netherlandic Presence in Ontario
Pillars, Class and Dutch Ethnicity
Making Babies
Infants in Canadian Fiction
Peter Martyr Vermigli
and Italian Reform
The British Diplomatic Service
Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction
Gender, Genre and Religion
Feminist Reflections
Truth and Compassion
Essays on Judaism and Religion in Memory of Rabbi Dr Solomon Frank
Political Thought in Japanese Historical Writing
From Kojiki (712) to Tokushi Yoron (1712)
Paul Cardinal Cullen and the Shaping of Modern Irish Catholicism
The Politics of Enchantment
Romanticism, Media, and Cultural Studies
Working in Women’s Archives
Researching Women’s Private Literature and Archival Documents
Value Assumptions in Risk Assessment
A Case Study of the Alachlor Controversy
Postcolonizing the Commonwealth
Studies in Literature and Culture