University of Toronto Press
Books from this publisher
Canadian State Trials, Volume II
Rebellion and Invasion in the Canadas, 1837-1839
Encyclopedia of Rusyn History and Culture
Bernard Shaw and the Webbs
Guardians of the Transcendent
An Ethnography of a Jain Ascetic Community
Walking the Tightrope
Ethical Issues for Qualitative Researchers
Grieving Mental Illness
A Guide for Patients and Their Caregivers
Contingent Work, Disrupted Lives
Labour and Community in the New Rural Economy
Law, Rhetoric, and Irony in the Formation of Canadian Civil Culture
The Case Against Johann Reuchlin
Social and Religious Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Germany
Shakespeare in Canada
A World Elsewhere?
Body Fascism
Salvation in the Technology of Physical Fitness
Women, Gender, and Transnational Lives
Italian Workers of the World
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1-141, Volume 1
The Politics of Population
State Formation, Statistics, and the Census of Canada, 1840-1875
Regulating Eden
The Nature of Order in North American Parks
Fleeing the House of Horrors
Women Who Have Left Abusive Partners
Privatization, Law, and the Challenge to Feminism
Health Care, Entitlement, and Citizenship
Why Good Social Policy Ideas Go Bad
The Small Details of Life
Twenty Diaries by Women in Canada, 1830-1996
Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada
Hidden Academics
Contract Faculty in Canadian Universities
Writing the Meal
Dinner in the Fiction of Twentieth-Century Women Writers
Masters of Two Arts
Re-creation of European Literatures in Italian Cinema
Uncle Sam and Us
Globalization, Neoconservatism, and the Canadian State
Welfare Hot Buttons
Women, Work, and Social Policy Reform
The Saskatchewan Miners' Struggle of '31
Setting the Agenda
Jean Royce and the Shaping of Queen's University
Spying 101
The RCMP's Secret Activities at Canadian Universities, 1917-1997
Renegade Lawyer
The Life of J.L. Cohen
A Law Unto Itself
How the Ontario Municipal Board Has Developed and Applied Land-Use Planning Policy
Selling Diversity
Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, and Globalization