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Books from this publisher

WEBKDD 2002 - Mining Web Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles

4th International Workshop, Edmonton, Canada, July 23, 2002, Revised Papers

by (author) Osmar R. Zaiane
edited by Jaideep Srivastava, Myra Spiliopoulou & Brij Masand


by (author) Edward J. Barbeau

Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons

by (author) David Sénéchal
edited by Andre-Marie Tremblay & Claude Bourbonnais

Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks

Second International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2003, Montreal, Canada, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings

by (author) Samuel Pierre
edited by Michel Barbeau & Evangelos Kranakis

String Processing and Information Retrieval

10th International Symposium, SPIRE 2003, Manaus, Brazil, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings

by (author) Mario A. Nascimento
edited by Edleno S. de Moura & Arlindo L. Oliveira

Distributed Computing

17th International Conference, DISC 2003, Sorrento, Italy, October 1-3, 2003, Proceedings

by (author) Faith Ellen Fich

Environmental Problem Solving

Psychosocial Barriers to Adaptive Change

by (author) Alan Miller

Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2003

Third XP and Second Agile Universe Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 10-13, 2003, Proceedings

by (author) Frank Maurer
edited by Don Wells

Algorithms and Data Structures

8th International Workshop, WADS 2003, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 30 - August 1, 2003, Proceedings

by (author) Frank Dehne
edited by Jörg Rüdig Sack & Michiel Smid

OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming

International Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools, WOMPAT 2003, Toronto, Canada, June 26-27, 2003. Proceedings

by (author) Michael J. Voss

Advances in Artificial Intelligence

16th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2003, Halifax, Canada, June 11-13, 2003, Proceedings

by (author) Yang Xiang
edited by Chaib-draa Brahim

Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2003

International Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 18-21, 2003, Proceedings, Part III

by (author) Vipin Kumar
edited by Marina L. Gavrilova, C.J. Kenneth Tan & Pierre L'Ecuyer

Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2003

International Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 18-21, 2003, Proceedings, Part II

by (author) Vipin Kumar
edited by Marina L. Gavrilova, C.J. Kenneth Tan & Pierre L'Ecuyer

Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2003

International Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 18-21, 2003, Proceedings, Part I

by (author) Vipin Kumar
edited by Marina L. Gavrilova, C.J. Kenneth Tan & Pierre L'Ecuyer

Software Configuration Management

ICSE Workshops SCM 2001 and SCM 2003, Toronto, Canada, May 14-15, 2001, and Portland, OR, USA, May 9-10, 2003. Selected Papers

by (author) Bernhard Westfechtel
edited by Andr van der Hoek

Semantics in Databases

Second International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, January 7-12, 2001, Revised Papers

by (author) Leopoldo Bertossi
edited by Gyula O.H. Katona, Klaus-Dieter Schewe & Bernhard Thalheim

Selected Areas in Cryptography

9th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2002, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, August 15-16, 2002, Revised Papers

by (author) Kaisa Nyberg
edited by Howard Heys

Inductive Logic Programming

12th International Conference, ILP 2002, Sydney, Australia, July 9-11, 2002. Revised Papers

by (author) Stan Matwin
edited by Claude Sammut

COTS-Based Software Systems

Second International Conference, ICCBSS 2003 Ottawa, Canada, February 10-13, 2003

by (author) Hakan Erdogmus
edited by Tao Weng

Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web

CAiSE 2002 International Workshop, WES 2002, Toronto, Canada, May 27-28, 2002, Revised Papers

by (author) Christoph Bussler
edited by Richard Hull, Sheila A. McIlraith, Maria E. Orlowska, Barbara Pernici & Jian Yang

Algorithms and Computation

13th International Symposium, ISAAC 2002 Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 21-23, 2002, Proceedings

by (author) Prosenjit K. Bose
edited by Pat Morin

Graphics Recognition. Algorithms and Applications

4th International Workshop, GREC 2001, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, September 7-8, 2001. Selected Papers

by (author) Dorothea Blostein
edited by Young-Bin Kwon

Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines

First International Workshop, SVM 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 10, 2002. Proceedings

by (author) Seong-Whan Lee
edited by Alessandro Verri

Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation

5th International Symposium, SARA 2002, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, August 2-4, 2002, Proceedings

by (author) Sven Koenig
edited by Robert C. Holte

Advanced Information Systems Engineering

14th International Conference, CAiSE 2002 Toronto, Canada, May 27-31, 2002 Proceedings

by (author) Anne Banks Pidduck
edited by John Mylopoulos, Carson C. Woo & M.T. Ozsu

Advances in Artificial Intelligence

15th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2002 Calgary, Canada, May 27-29, 2002 Proceedings

by (author) Robin Cohen
edited by Bruce Spencer

Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II

Second International Workshop, AOSE 2001, Montreal, Canada, May 29, 2001. Revised Papers and Invited Contributions

by (author) Michael J. Wooldridge
edited by Gerhard Wei & Paolo Ciancarini

Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing

Second International Conference, RSCTC 2000 Banff, Canada, October 16-19, 2000 Revised Papers

by (author) Wojciech Ziarko
edited by Yiyu Yao

Selected Areas in Cryptography

8th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2001 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 16-17, 2001. Revised Papers

by (author) Serge Vaudenay
edited by Amr M. Youssef

Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000

GGG2000 IAG International Symposium Banff, Alberta, Canada July 31 - August 4, 2000

by (author) Michael G. Sideris

Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications

Third International Workshop, MATA 2001, Montreal, Canada, August 14-16, 2001. Proceedings

by (author) Samuel Pierre
edited by Roch Glitho

Computer Vision Systems

Second International Workshop, ICVS 2001 Vancouver, Canada, July 7-8, 2001 Proceedings

by (author) Bernt Schiele
edited by Gerhard Sagerer

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