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Scholastic Canada Ltd

Books from this publisher

Raconte-moi les graphiques

L'histoire de William Playfair

by (author) Helaine Becker
illustrated by Marie-Ève Tremblay

La princesse et le poney

illustrated by Kate Beaton

Olga et le machin qui pue

illustrated by Elise Gravel

Je suis capable! C'est bien d'être écolo!

illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

Supervedettes des sports

by (author) Eric Zweig

Summer's End

by (author) Joel A. Sutherland

100 blagues! Et plus... N° 41

by (author) Julie Lavoie
illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

Le petit chevalier qui affrontait les dragons

by (author) Gilles Tibo
illustrated by Geneviève Després

Cot, cot, cot! Allons à la foire!

by (author) Jo Ellen Bogart
illustrated by Lori Joy Smith

Ah, ces oiseaux!

by (author) Christiane Duchesne
illustrated by Barbara Reid

Les chênes de Vimy

La route vers la paix

by (author) Linda Granfield
illustrated by Brian Deines

Quel beau petit!

by (author) Christiane Duchesne
illustrated by Barbara Reid

L' aventure sous le trottoir

by (author) Claire Eamer
illustrated by Thomas Gibault

MVP Superstars 2017

by (author) Eric Zweig

The New Baby Calf

by (author) Edith Newlin Chase
illustrated by Barbara Reid

The Vimy Oaks

A Journey to Peace

by (author) Linda Granfield
illustrated by Brian Deines

Have You Seen Birds?

by (author) Joanne Oppenheim
illustrated by Barbara Reid

Underneath the Sidewalk

by (author) Claire Eamer
illustrated by Thomas Gibault

Je ne suis pas un numéro

by (author) Kathy Kacer & Jenny Kay Dupuis
illustrated by Gillian Newland

Dear Canada: Hoping for Home

Stories of Arrival

by (author) Kit Pearson, Ruby Slipperjack, Jean Little, Shelley Tanaka, Paul Yee, Irene N. Watts, Rukhsana Khan, Brian Doyle & Afua Cooper

Apprendre avec Scholastic : Touche à tout : Les camions

by (author) Scholastic Canada Ltd.


by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Dave Whamond

Never Let You Go

illustrated by Patricia Storms

Ma branche préférée

by (author) Mireille Messier
illustrated by Pierre Pratt

Le costume de Malaika

by (author) Nadia L. Hohn
illustrated by Irene Luxbacher

I Need a Hug

illustrated by Aaron Blabey

Mots mystères n° 31

by (author) Julie Lavoie
illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

L' autobus magique présente les animaux polaires

by (author) Cynthia O'Brien
illustrated by Carolyn Bracken

Hockey Junior : N° 6 - Coup de chance

by (author) Irene Punt

Raconte-moi une histoire : Cours, cours, Nicolas!

by (author) Gilles Tibo
illustrated by Bruno St-Aubin

L' arbre des souhaits

by (author) Kyo Maclear
illustrated by Chris Turnham

L' école des apprentis magiciens : N° 1 - Une classe pas comme les autres

by (author) Lauren Myracle, Sarah Mlynowski & Emily Jenkins

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