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Québec Amérique

Books from this publisher


by (author) Michèle Marineau
illustrated by Manon Gauthier

Cyrus 2

L'encyclopédie qui raconte

by (author) Christiane Duchesne & Carmen Marois

Cyrus 1

L'encyclopédie qui raconte

by (author) Christiane Duchesne
illustrated by Carmen Marois

Les sols

by (author) Québec Amérique

Les forêts

by (author) Québec Amérique

Super Capitaine Static

by (author) Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by Sampar

Mon imagier des couleurs

by (author) Québec Amérique

Mon imagier des aliments

by (author) Québec Amérique

Justine, chevalière

by (author) Émilie Rivard
illustrated by Mika

Et si on parlait de la pauvreté “

by (author) Jillian Roberts & Jaime Casap
illustrated by Jane Heinrichs
translated by Olivier Bilodeau

Et si on parlait des Tragédies “

by (author) Jillian Roberts
illustrated by Jane Heinrichs
translated by Olivier Bilodeau

Et si on parlait des préjugés “

by (author) Jillian Roberts
illustrated by Jane Heinrichs
translated by Olivier Bilodeau

Nathan, astronaute

by (author) Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by Mika

Y'a pas de place chez nous

by (author) Andrée Poulin
illustrated by Enzo Lord Mariano

Et si on parlait d'Internet “

by (author) Jillian Roberts
illustrated by Jane Heinrichs
translated by Olivier Bilodeau

Capitaine Static

by (author) Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by Sampar


by (author) Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by Sampar

Mon atlas du Canada

by (author) Québec Amérique

Honey et Ketchup

by (author) Jonathan Bécotte
illustrated by Sabrina Gendron

À chacun son masque

by (author) Marla Lesage
translated by Olivier Bilodeau

Mon imagier des bébés animaux

by (author) Québec Amérique

Mon imagier de la routine

by (author) Québec Amérique

Charles, superhéros

by (author) Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by Mika

La semaine de Maya

by (author) Martine Latulippe
illustrated by Fabrice Boulanger

Les déchets

by (author) Québec Amérique


by (author) Québec Amérique

Les 1000 enfants veulent un animal de compagnie

by (author) Valérie Fontaine
illustrated by Yves Dumont

Loup arctique

by (author) William Flaherty & Sean Bigham


by (author) Herve Paniaq & Ben Shannon


by (author) Solomon Awa & Hwei Lim

Ours polaire

by (author) William Flaherty & Danny Christopher

La journée de Maya

by (author) Martine Latulippe
illustrated by Fabrice Boulanger

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