Pottersfield Press
Books from this publisher
Silver Linings
Stories of Gratitude, Resiliency and Growth Through Adversity
Doing Time
Writing Workshops in Prison
Awakening my Heart
Essays, Articles and Interviews on the Buddhist Life
Fixing Broken Things
Awakening My Heart
Essays, Articles and Interviews on the Buddist Life
Threads in the Acadian Fabric
Nine Generations of an Acadian Family
Around the Province in 88 Days
One Woman, Two Pairs of Sneakers and 3000 Kilometers of Nova Scotia Coastline
Doing Time
Writing Workshops in prison
Colours in Winter
Against the Grain
A Biography of John Savage
Gold Rush Ghost Towns of Nova Scotia
The Peddlers
The Fuller Brush Man, the Lords of Liniment and Door to Door Heroes in Nova Scotia and Beypnd
Fixing Broken Things
An Imperfect Healer
The Gifts of a Medical Life
The Peddlers
The Fuller Brush Man, the Lords of Liniment and Door to Door Heroes in Nova Scotia and Beyond
In Two Voices
A Patient and a Neurosurgeon Tell Their Story
Elapultiek (We Are Looking Towards)
A Play
End of the Line
The Dominion Atlantic Railway - A Trip Back in Time
Haven in the Heart of Halifax
An Illustrated History of the Public Gardens
The Legend of Gladee's Canteen
The Legend of Gladee's Canteen
Down Home on a Nova Scotia Beach
Afraid of the Dark
The Tides of Time
Louisbourg or Bust
A Surfer's Wild Ride Down Nova Scotia's Drowned Coast
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
Ten Years of Misadventures in Coffee
Salt Fires
Louisburg or Bust
A Surfer's Wild RideDown Nova Scotia's Drowned Coast
The Way We Hold On
Toward the Country of Light
New and Selected Poems 1978-2018
Breaking Disaster
Newspaper Stories of the Halifax Expolsion
The Tides of Time
A Nova Scotis Book of Seasons