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Oxford University Press

Books from this publisher

Contributions to Neuropsychological Assessment: Tests: 8. Tactile Form Perception (complete test)

by (author) Arthur L. Benton, Kerry deS Hamsher, Nils R. Varney & Otfried Spreen

Soldiers of the Tsar

Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874

by (author) John L.H. Keep

National Implementation of the Future Chemical Weapons Convention

edited by Thomas Stock & Ronald Sutherland

Elements of Episodic Memory

by (author) Endel Tulving

Tertullian: A Historical and Literary Study

by (author) Timothy David Barnes

Estimating Functions

edited by V.P. Godambe

The Letters and Prose Writings: V: Prose 1756-c.1799 and Cumulative Index

by (author) William Cowper
edited by James King & Charles Ryskamp

The Subject of Semiotics

by (author) Kaja Silverman

The British Empire 1558-1983

by (author) T.O. Lloyd

Sleep and Biological Rhythms

Basic Mechanisms and Applications to Psychiatry

edited by Jacques Montplaisir & Roger Godbout

Mental Representations

A Dual Coding Approach

by (author) Allan Paivio

An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English: Volume II

edited by Donna Bennett & Russell Brown

Moral Issues

edited by Jan Narveson

Garland from the Golden Age

edited by Patricia Demers & Gordon Moyles

An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English: Volume I

edited by Russell Brown & Donna Bennett

Pre-Industrial Canada, 1760-1849

edited by Michael S. Cross & Gregory S. Kealey

The Genealogy of Disjunction

by (author) R.E. Jennings

Do Lemmings Commit Suicide?

Beautiful Hypotheses and Ugly Facts

by (author) Dennis Chitty

Cannibalism: Ecology and Evolution among Diverse Taxa

edited by Mark A. Elgar & Bernard J. Crespi

Against the Protestant Gnostics

by (author) Philip J. Lee

Lustful Maidens and Ascetic Kings

Buddhist and Hindu Stories of Life

by (author) Roy C. Amore & Larry D. Shinn
illustrated by Sharon Wallace

The Medical Mandarins

The French Academy of Medicine in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

by (author) George Weisz

Psychophysiological Recording

by (author) Robert M. Stern, William J. Ray & Christopher M. Davis

Entering the Eighties

Canada in Crisis

edited by R. Kenneth Carty & W. Peter Ward

The Development of Flowers

by (author) Richard I. Greyson

The Mountain Goats of Temlaham

by (author) Elizabeth Cleaver

How Summer Came to Canada

edited by William Toye
illustrated by Elizabeth Cleaver

Pakistan: The Formative Phase 1857-1948

by (author) Khalid B. Sayeed
foreword by George Cunningham

Working Man in the Nineteenth Century

edited by Michael S. Cross

Britain and the Last Tsar

British Policy and Russia, 1894-1917

by (author) Keith Neilson

The Journals of Susanna Moodie

by (author) Susanna Moodie
edited by Margaret Atwood

Nonstationary Flows and Shock Waves

by (author) Irvine I. Glass & J.P. Sislian

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