Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Regulating Energy and Natural Resources

Molecular Toxicology

Atiyah's Introduction to the Law of Contract

Visions and Revisions
(Re)constructing Science Fiction

20th-Century Poetry and Poetics

Communi-Quete: 3 Bombes meteo
Teacher Resource Book ON Ed.

Canadian A to Z of Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Experience History
Canada Since World War I
Bombes météo: Language and Strategy Cards
Communi-Quête 3

Forgotten Families
Ending the Growing Crisis Confronting Children and Working Parents in the Global Economy

Communi-Quete: 2 All-in-One
National CD-ROM
Extreme Careers - Kit: Nat. Ed.
Communi-Quête 3
Conservation and Biology of Small Populations
The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island

Food Lipids
Chemistry, Flavor, and Texture

Monks, Rulers, and Literati
The Political Ascendancy of Chan Buddhism

A Jurisprudence of Power
Victorian Empire and the Rule of Law

Creating the Twentieth Century
Technical Innovations of 1867-1914 and Their Lasting Impact

Active Citizen
You Can Make a Difference

A Question of Ethics, Updated and Revised edition
Canadians Speak Out

Comprehending Cults
The Sociology of New Religious Movements

Rural Change and Sustainability
Agriculture, the Environment and Communities

Dyspnoea in Advanced Disease
A guide to clinical management
Media - Kit Nat. Ed.
Communi-Quête 3

French Opera at the Fin de Siecle

Healthier Societies
From Analysis to Action

A History of Atlantic Canada
A Concise History

The Biology of Temporary Waters

Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies
Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities

The Democratic Craft

Missing the Revolution
Darwinism for Social Scientists

Risk Assessment and Management in Cancer Genetics

Economic Transformations
General Purpose Technologies and Long-Term Economic Growth