McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Nuclear Pursuits
The Scientific Biography of Wilfrid Bennett Lewis
The Lives of Dalhousie University: Volume I
1818-1925, Lord Dalhousie's College
Financial Derivatives
Managing and Regulating Off-Balance Sheet Risks
Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume 1
1818-1925, Lord Dalhousie's College
A New Social Vision for Canada?
Perspectives on the Federal Discussion Paper on Social Security Reform
Social Classes and Social Credit in Alberta
Royal Vic
The Story of Montreal's Royal Victoria Hospital, 1894-1994
Origins of Walter Rauschenbusch's Social Ethics
A Life of Propriety
Anne Murray Powell and Her Family, 1755-1849
The Birth of Modernism
Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, and the Occult
Life of Propriety
Anne Murray Powell and Her Family, 1755-1849
The Imperial Challenge
Quebec and Britain in the Age of the American Revolution
Constitutional Predicament
Canada after the Referendum of 1992
The Women Founders of the Social Sciences
Most Pernicious Thing
Gun Trading and Native Warfare in the Early Contact Period
The Game Planners
Transforming Canada's Sport System
The Parameters of Oppression
The Parameters of Oppression
Ethnicity in the Mainstream
Three Studies of English Canadian Culture in Ontario
Disturbed State of the Russian Realm
Habitations et Milieu de Vie
L'évolution du logement au Canada, 1945 à 1986
Sport and Canadian Diplomacy
Canada: The State of the Federation 1994
Outbreak of the Irish Rebellion of 1641
Essays on the Early History of Plant Pathology and Mycology in Canada
Sea Has Many Voices
Oceans Policy for a Complex World
Recent Social Trends in the United States, 1960-1990
Trials of Labour
The Re-emergence of Midwifery
The Domination of Nature
The Domination of Nature
New Edition
Architecture, Ethics, and Technology
As Though Life Mattered
Leo Kennedy's Story