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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Breaking and Entering

The Contemporary House Cut, Spliced, and Haunted

edited by Bridget Elliott

A Culture of Faith

Evangelical Congregations in Canada

by (author) Sam Reimer & Michael Wilkinson

Lord Beaconsfield and Sir John A. Macdonald

A Political and Personal Parallel

by (author) Joseph Tassé & Michel W. Pharand

Imprinting Britain

Newspapers, Sociability, and the Shaping of British North America

by (author) Michael Eamon

The Politics of Conflict

Transubstantiatory Violence in Iraq

by (author) Monica Ingber

Expelling the Plague

The Health Office and the Implementation of Quarantine in Dubrovnik, 1377-1533

by (author) Zlata Blazina Tomic & Vesna Blazina

Imprinting Britain

Newspapers, Sociability, and the Shaping of British North America

by (author) Michael L. Eamon

The Grandmothers' Movement

Solidarity and Survival in the Time of AIDS

by (author) May Chazan

Leadership Under Fire, Second Edition

The Challenging Role of the Canadian University President

by (author) Ross H. Paul

Dismantling Canada

Stephen Harper's New Conservative Agenda

by (author) Brooke Jeffrey

Fatal Glamour

The Life of Rupert Brooke

by (author) Paul Delany

Hurrah Revolutionaries

The Polish Canadian Communist Movement, 1918-1948

by (author) Patryk Polec

Frank Underhill and the Politics of Ideas

by (author) Kenneth C. Dewar
foreword by Bob Rae

The Canny Scot

Archbishop James Morrison of Antigonish

by (author) Peter Ludlow

Turkey and the Armenian Ghost

On the Trail of the Genocide

by (author) Laure Marchand, Guillaume Perrier & Debbie Blythe

Building the Nation

N.F.S. Grundtvig and Danish National Identity

by (author) John A. Hall, Ove Korsgaard & Ove K. Pedersen

Unravelling the Franklin Mystery

Inuit Testimony

by (author) David C. Woodman

Alkibiades' Love

Essays in Philosophy

by (author) Jan Zwicky

Liberal Nationalisms

Empire, State, and Civil Society in Scotland and Quebec

by (author) James Kennedy

Consumers in the Bush

Shopping in Rural Upper Canada

by (author) Douglas McCalla

Unravelling the Franklin Mystery, Second Edition

Inuit Testimony

by (author) David C. Woodman

Masters and Students

Jesuit Mission Ethnography in Seventeenth-Century New France

by (author) Micah True

Sexual Enjoyment in British Romanticism

Gender and Psychoanalysis, 1753-1835

by (author) David Sigler

Bodily Subjects

Essays on Gender and Health, 1800-2000

by (author) Tracy Penny Light, Barbara Brookes & Wendy Mitchinson

Seeking Our Eden

The Dreams and Migrations of Sarah Jameson Craig

by (author) Joanne Findon


by (author) Sarah Tolmie

Leading Research Universities in a Competitive World

by (author) Robert Lacroix & Louis Maheu
translated by Paul Klassen

Canadian Counselling and Counselling Psychology in the 21st Century

by (author) Ada L. Sinacore & Freda Ginsberg


by (author) Bruce Whiteman

Canada: The State of the Federation, 2011

The Changing Federal Environment: Rebalancing Roles

by (author) Nadia Verrelli

Maps and Memes

Redrawing Culture, Place, and Identity in Indigenous Communities

by (author) Gwilym Lucas Eades

The Stained Glass of the Hosmer Collection, McGill University

Corpus Vitrearum Canada

by (author) James Bugslag & Ariane Isler-de Jongh

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