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James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers

Books from this publisher

La rafle des années 1960

et enfance volée aux jeunes Autochtones

by (author) Andrew Bomberry & Teresa Edwards
translated by Anne-Marie Deraspe

La purge LGBT et la lutte pour l’égalité des droits au Canada

by (author) Ken Setterington
translated by Marie-France Cloutier

Réinstallation d’Inuit

Politiques et pratiques coloniales, résilience et résistance d’un peuple

by (author) Frank James Tester & Krista Ulujuk Zawadski
translated by Nicole Laurendeau

Dogs Don’t Break Hearts

by (author) ’Nathan Burgoine

My True Colours

by (author) Mike Levitt

L’antisémitisme et le MS Saint Louis

Les politiques antisémites du Canada au vingtième siècle

by (author) Rona Arato
translated by Anne-Marie Deraspe

My Green Style

by (author) Lea Beddia

Capitalism and Colonialism: The Making of Modern Canada 1890–2025

A New History for the Twenty-First Century Volume Two

by (author) Bryan D. Palmer

Internement d’Italo-Canadiens durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

by (author) Pamela Hickman & Jean Smith Cavalluzzo
translated by Nicole Laurendeau

Lonely in Happy Town

by (author) Kristopher Mielke

L’internement des Canadiens japonais pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

by (author) Pamela Hickman & Masako Fukawa
translated by Marie-France Cloutier

Setter Up

by (author) Caelan Beard

Le Komagata Maru

et les politiques d'immigration anti-indiennes du Canada au vingtième siècle

by (author) Pamela Hickman
translated by Jean-François Cyr

La taxe d’entrée chinoise

et les politiques d’immigration antichinoises au vingtième siècle

by (author) Arlene Chan
translated by Marie-France Cloutier

The Avro Arrow New Edition

The story of the great Canadian Cold War interceptor jet in pictures and documents

by (author) Lawrence Miller

Family Ties: How a Ukrainian Nazi and a living witness link Canada to Ukraine today

by (author) Peter McFarlane

Les pensionnats indiens

Effets dévastateurs sur les peuples autochtones du Canada et appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation

by (author) Melanie Florence
translated by Nicole Laurendeau

Colonialism and Capitalism: Canada's Origins 1500–1890

A New History for the Twenty-First Century Volume One

by (author) Bryan D. Palmer

Breaking Free of Neoliberalism: Canada's Challenge

What it will take to deal with American decline, inequality and the climate crisis

by (author) Alex Himelfarb

The Trudeau Record: Promise v. Performance

25 independent experts assess key issues from housing to health care

by (author) Katherine Scott, Laura Macdonald & Stuart Trew

Summer with Sunil

by (author) Alison Lister

Humans: The 300,000-Year Struggle for Equality

by (author) Alvin Finkel

The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada

by (author) Lars Osberg

Deal With It: Homophobia

And turn prejudice into pride - 2nd Edition

by (author) Steven Solomon
illustrated by Nick Johnson

Not Not Normal

by (author) Peter E. Fenton

Line Drive to Love

by (author) Angel Jendrick

Not My Crew

by (author) Carlos Anthony

Hacking Heartbreak

by (author) Kevin heronJones

Righting Canada's Wrongs: 10 Volume Resource Guide

by (author) Lindsay Gibson, Ilan Danjoux, Roland Case & Pamela Hickman

Canada's State Police

150 years of the RCMP

by (author) Greg Marquis

Condo Questions and Answers: Ontario Edition

What you can do about the 40+ most common — and unexpected — condo problems

by (author) Sally Thompson

Canada vs California

How Ottawa took on Netflix and the streaming giants

by (author) Howard Law

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