Island Studies Press
Books from this publisher
The Belfast Riot of 1847
Finding Home at the Harbour
A Skeptic in Springtime
Inclusive Education
A Global Perspective
Time Flies
A History of Prince Edward Island from the Air
The Bridge Effect
Critical Reflections in the Age of Technological Solutionism
Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainability
From Theory to Practice
We'll Meet Again
Prince Edward Island Women of the Second World War
Caught in a Changing Society
St. Dunstan's University 1950-1969
My island's the house I sleep in at night
The Chemistry of Innovation
Regis Duffy and the Story of DCL
Tick-borne Diseases in Dogs
A Canadian Perspective
Home Is Where the Water Is
Mammals of Prince Edward Island and Adjacent Marine Waters
Listening for the Dead Bells
Listening for the Dead Bells
Highland Magic in Prince Edward Island
The Philosopher
Return of the Wild Goose
The Cove Journal
Crossing Troubled Waters
Abortion In Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Prince Edward Island
Called to Serve
Georgina Pope, Canadian Military Nursing Heroine
Bird Calls
The Island Responds
From Black Horses to White Steeds
Building Community Resilience
New London: The Lost Dream
Those Splendid Girls
The Heroic Service of Prince Edward Island Nurses in the Great War
A Taste of Islands
60 Recipes and Stories from our World of Islands