Inanna Publications & Education Inc.
Books from this publisher
The Sleep of Apples
Still Living the Edges
A Disabled Women's Reader
The Legacy of Mothers
Matriarchies and the Gift Economy as Post Capitalist Alternatives
29 leads to love
Pigeon Soup & Other Stories
Bird Shadows
Min Hayati
My Best Friend Was Angela Bennett
Memory's Shadow
Paper Stones
Dancing with Chairs in the Music House
The Narrows of Fear (Wapawikoscikanik)
The Borrowman Cell
To the Men Who Write Goodbye Letters
The Rage Room
Festival of All Souls
Early Days, Early Dancers
Early Years of the National Ballet
Tamarind Sky
Underneath the Water with the Fish
Dear Hearts
The Path of Loneliness
A Diary in the Age of Water
some conditions apply
Radiant Shards
Hoda's North End Poems
Seeds and Other Stories
The Negation of Chronology: Imagining Geraldine Moodie
Imagining Geraldine Moodie
Releasing Hope
Stories of Transition from Prison to Community