Guernica Editions
Books from this publisher
Obsessed with Language
A Sociolinguistic History of Quebec
The Place Where Your Soul Dwells
Selected Poems
Intimate Dialogues
Manifesto for a New Theatre
followed by Infabulation
Twentieth Centuries
I Is Another
Margaret Atwood
Essays on Her Works
Drew Hayden Taylor
Essays of His Works
The Undertaker's Wife
What Lies Between Us
Mary Melfi
Essays on Her Works
The Italian Immigration Experience in Canada
Discourse and Community
Multidisciplinary Studies of Canadian Culture
Don McKay
Essays on His Works
Maria Mazziotti Gillan
Essays on Her Works
In the Claws of the Cat
Alden Nowlan
Essays on His Works
Mary di Michele
Essays on Her Works
Selected Poems
Barry Callaghan
Essays on His Works
After the End
Courage Underground
The Canadian Duce
We, the Women
The Graph of Roads
Selected Poems 1968-1999
And Light Remains
The World Forgotten
Selected Poems 1989-1996
The Last Woman
Selected Poems 1991-2001