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Formac Publishing Company Limited

Books from this publisher

Health Hacks

How You Can Get Good Health Care in Nova Scotia

by (author) Mary Jane Hampton

The Nova Scotia Bucket List (Updated)

25+ unforgettable experiences, adventures and destinations selected by Nova Scotia's best travel writers

by (author) Dale Dunlop & Alison Scott

The Nova Scotia Family Bucket List

Making the most of your travels with kids

by (author) Helen Earley

My First Ontario Bird Book

by (author) Jeffrey C. Domm

The East Coast Christmas Cookbook

Classic and contemporary recipes for holiday dishes

edited by Alice Burdick

The Art of Mi'kmaw Basketry

edited by shalan joudry
photographs by Holly Brown Bear

The East Coast Celebrations Cookbook

Menus and Recipes for Every Special Occasion

by (author) Craig Flinn

Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

The Mass Casualty Commission: The Facts, The Findings, and What Must Be Done

by (author) Dean Beeby

Shovels not Rifles

A Novel

by (author) Gloria Ann Wesley

Who Killed Richard Oland?

A real-life murder mystery

by (author) Janice Middleton

My First East Coast Bird Book

The birds you see in back yards, woods, and waters in Canada's Atlantic provinces

by (author) Jeffrey C. Domm

Canada's East Coast Seashore

A visual guide to starfish, shellfish, seashells, plants, insects, birds and more!

by (author) Jeffrey C. Domm

Touring the Cabot Trail and Beyond

Fourth Edition

photographs by Keith Vaughan
by (author) Susan Young de Biagi

Best Nova Scotia Beaches, Updated and revised

27 Top Seashore Spots for Sun, Sand and Surf

by (author) Allan Billard & Donna Barnett

The Heart Healthy DASH Collection

by (author) Maureen Tilley & Sandra Nowlan

Dead in Halifax: Stories of Adventure, Scandal, Heartbreak and Heroism

by (author) Craig Ferguson

Mi'kmaw Moons

The Seasons in Mi'kma'ki

by (author) Cathy LeBlanc & David Chapman
illustrated by Loretta Gould

The Halifax Public Gardens

The creation, destruction and restoration of North America’s finest Victorian public gardens

by (author) Robert Pace, Robert Salah & Peter L. Twohig

Fresh, Local and Delicious

Dishes from Mi’kma’ki and around the world from Kiju’s Restaurant in Membertou

by (author) Shaun Zwarun

Newfoundland's Best Breakfasts and Brunch

Recipes from the Rock’s B & Bs

by (author) Jennifer Leigh Hill

The Great Saint John Fire of 1877

The rise, destruction and recovery of Canada’s leading port city

by (author) Mark Allan Greene

Southern Ontario Nature Guide

A visual guide to mammals, birds, insects, trees and more

by (author) Jeffrey C. Domm


Une communauté afro-néo-écossaise est démolie — et se défend

by (author) Gloria Ann Wesley
translated by Jean-François Cyr

Ontario Trees

A visual guide to the most important species

by (author) Jeffrey C. Domm

The Summer Between Us

by (author) Andre Fenton

Scenic Routes and Coastal Drives of New Brunswick

A curated guide to towns, festivals, heritage and nature

by (author) H.A. Eiselt & Marianne Eiselt

A Taste of the Wild

Recipes for 40 common foraged plants from across Canada – drinks, desserts, mains and more

by (author) Blanche Pownall Garrett

J.L. Ilsley: A Political Biography

Mackenzie King's frugal finance minister who found the money for Canada's war 1939–1945

by (author) Barry Cahill

Oak Island Illustrated

The 225-year Search for Truth and Treasure

by (author) John Bell

The Peggy’s Cove Barrens: Rock, Life, Sea and Sky

A portrait in photographs

by (author) Kent Martin

Best East Coast Jams, Pickles, Preserves and Breads

Classic recipes updated for today

by (author) Alice Burdick

East Coast Trees and Shrubs

A visual guide to 50+ species in Atlantic Canada

by (artist) Jeffrey C. Domm

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