Dundurn Press
Books from this publisher
From the Top of a Grain Elevator
On the Threshold
Writing Toward the Year 2000
My Year Before the Mast
Lucy Maud and Me
Fits Like a Rubber Dress
The Breath that Lightens the Body
Human Bodies
New and Collected Poems, 1987-1999
Robert Dunsmuir
Laird of the Mines
The Ladies' 1924-1999
A History of the Ladies' Golf Club of Toronto
Pauline Johnson
First Aboriginal Voice of Canada
The Stephen Leacock Picture Book
Tommy Douglas
Building the New Society
Isaac Brock
Larger than Life
Tommy Douglas
200 Years Yonge
A History
A Little Something
Rescue From Grampa Woo
Trial By Fire
Treasures Of Canada
Superior Illusions
The Emigrant's Guide to North America
Flim Flam
Canada's Greatest Frauds, Scams, and Con Artists
Crime Where the Nights are Long
Canadian Stories of Crime and Adventure from the Golden Age of Storytelling
A Kingston Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were
John Graves Simcoe, 1752-1806
A Biography
John Graves Simcoe 1752-1806
A Biography
Two Ships Passing
A Winnipeg Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were
Tom Thomson
Design for a Canadian Hero