Demeter Press
Books from this publisher
Maternal Theory
Essential Readings
Milk Fever
What We Hold In Our Hands
Fresh Hell
Motherhood in Pieces
Criminalized Mothers, Criminalizing Mothering
Intensive Mothering
The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Motherhood
Performing Motherhood
Artistic, Activist, and Everyday Enactments
Mothers of the Nations
Indigenous Mothering as Global Resistance, Reclaiming and Recovery
Not Exactly As Planned
A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love
Queering Motherhood
Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives
Counting on Marilyn Waring
New Advances in Feminist Economics Second Edition
Patricia Hill Collins
Reconceiving Motherhood
Laboring Positions
Black Women, Mothering and the Academy
Mother of Invention
How Our Mothers Influenced Us as Feminist Academics and Activists
On Huron's Shore
Mothering in East Asian Communities
Politics and Practices
Stay-At-Home Mothers
Dialogues and Debates
The Music of Leaving
Motherhood Memoirs
Mothers Creating/Writing Lives
Texas Girl
A Memoir
Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood Across Cultural Differences
A Reader
Mothering Mennonite
Have Milk, Will Travel
Adventures in Breastfeeding
Telling Truths
Storying Motherhood
Disabled Mothers
Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers with Disabilities
Mothering and Psychoanalysis
Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives
Borrowed Body
Incarcerated Mothers
Oppression and Resistance
Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism
Chasing Rainbows
Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices
Birth of the Uncool
Academic Motherhood in a Post-Second Wave Context
Challenges, Strategies, and Possibilities
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