Between the Lines
Books from this publisher
Shopping for Change
Consumer Activism and the Possibilities of Purchasing Power
Portraits of Violence
An Illustrated History of Radical Thinking
Maththatmatters 2
A teacher resource linking math and social justice
Toronto’s Poor
A Rebellious History
Fired Up about Capitalism
Serial Girls
From Barbie to Pussy Riot
The Great Climate Robbery
How the Food System Drives Climate Change and What We Can Do About It
A Future Without Hate or Need
The Promise of the Jewish Left in Canada
Cuba beyond the Beach
Stories of Life in Havana
The Bleeding Edge
Why Technology Turns Toxic in an Unequal World
Rethinking Education
Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?
Flight and Freedom
Stories of Escape to Canada
Making Modern Unions
Queer Progress
From Homophobia to Homonationalism
The Money Crisis
How Bankers Grabbed Our Money—and How We Can Get It Back
Buying and selling the world
International Development
Illusions and Realities
Alternatives to Capitalism,
Revolutionary Mothering
Love on the Front Lines
Drawn to Change
Graphic Histories of Working-Class Struggle
Ginger Goodwin
A Worker’s Friend
World Tribunal on Iraq
Making the Case Against War
Renewable Energy
Cleaner, fairer ways to power the planet
Disarming Conflict
Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield
In Defiance
Global Labour in the Digital Vortex
Worth Fighting For
Canada’s Tradition of War Resistance from 1812 to the War on Terror
The Fight for Adoption Disclosure and the Search for My Son
Nothing to Lose but Our Fear
Resistance in Dangerous Times