Between the Lines
Books from this publisher
Killer Althusser
The Banality of Men
Banging on the Walls of the Tank
Dispatches from Gaza
Jenny, Eleanor, and Laura, et al.
This is Not a Book about Marx
Invested in Crisis
Public Sector Pensions Against the Future
The Left in Power
Bob Rae’s NDP and the Working Class
The Crisis of Social Reproduction
Silvia Federici and Mariarosa Dalla Costa in conversation with Louise Toupin
Decolonizing the Palestinian Mind
And Sometimes They Kill You
Confronting the Epidemic of Intimate Partner Violence
Standing on High Ground
Civil Disobedience on Burnaby Mountain
When the Pine Needles Fall
Indigenous Acts of Resistance
Roles of Resistance
Game Plans for Teachers and Troublemakers
A Communist for the RCMP
The Uncovered Story of a Social Movement Informant
Abolish Social Work (As We Know It)
Higher Expectations
How to Survive Academia, Make it Better for Others, and Transform the University
Law at Work
The Coercion and Co-option of the Working Class
Ecology for the 99%
Twenty Capitalist Myths Debunked
Crisis and Contagion
Conversations on Capitalism and Covid-19
The Making of a Disability Activist
The Mantle of Struggle
A Biography of Black Revolutionary Rosie Douglas
The Bund
A Graphic History of Jewish Labour Resistance
No Harmless Power
The Life and Times of the Ukrainian Anarchist Nestor Makhno
Fear of a Black Nation
Race, Sex, and Security in Sixties Montreal
Cleaning Up
Portuguese Women's Fight for Labour Rights in Toronto
Mr. Block
The Subversive Comics and Writings of Ernest Riebe
Harvesting Freedom
The Life of a Migrant Worker in Canada
The Mohawk Warrior Society
A Handbook on Sovereignty and Survival
Decolonize Multiculturalism
Decolonize Museums
Decolonize Self-Care
Ворожий чужинець
Справжня історія життя за колючим дротом
The End of This World
Climate Justice in So-Called Canada