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At Bay Press

Books from this publisher

Pond and Beyond, The

by (author) Audrey Lute

Copperhead Road

by (author) Brad Smith

Sun Compass

by (author) Brigette DePape

Occasionally Petty

by (author) Michelle Lietz

Through Disassembled Houses of Perfect Stones

by (author) David Williamson

Beach Blonde

by (author) John Lawrence Reynolds

Frame by Frame

An Animator's Journey

by (author) Co Hoedeman

Gibbous Moon

by (author) Dennis Cooley & Michael Matthews

Coming to Canada

by (author) Starkie Mak

The Goliath Run

by (author) Brad Smith

Miraculous Sickness

by (author) ky Perraun

Signal Decay

by (author) Keith Cadieux

So Many Windings

A Reverend Charles Lauchlan Mystery

by (author) Catherine Macdonald

So Many Windings

by (author) Catherine Macdonald

Status Update

by (author) George Toles
illustrated by Cliff Eyland

Ex Nihilo

by (author) J.R. Léveillé & E.D. Blodgett

Glass Bricks

by (author) Louella Lester

The Unpleasantness at the Battle of Thornford

A Father Christmas Mystery

by (author) C.C. Benison

Walking on the Beaches of Temporal Candy

by (author) Christian McPherson

The Muse Sings

by (author) Dennis Cooley



by (author) Ariel Gordon
illustrated by Natalie Baird

Mirror's Edge

A Novel

by (author) Alex Passey


by (author) Ariel Gordon
illustrated by Natalie Baird

Once a Storm


by (author) Janet Trull

The Goliath Run

A Novel

by (author) Brad Smith

What Fox Knew

And Others

by (author) Mary Barnes

What Fox Knew

by (author) Mary Barnes

Canadian Saint

A Novel

by (author) Janet Trull

Curb Angels

by (author) Christopher Ducharme
illustrated by Lisa Mendis


A Novel

by (author) M.C. Joudrey


by (author) M.C. Joudrey

Place Into Being

by (author) Robert Pasternak

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