Annick Press
Books from this publisher
David's Father
Wait and See
The Paper Bag Princess
The Dog Who Wanted to Fly
The Dark
Thomas' Snowsuit
The Boy in the Drawer
I Have to Go!
Show and Tell
Stephanie's Ponytail
Manuelito (Spanish edition)
Follow Your Stuff
Who Makes It, Where Does It Come From, How Does It Get to You?
Digging Deep
How Science Unearths Puzzles from the Past
Bad Boys of Fashion
The Mole Sisters and the Rainy Day
The Mole Sisters and the Wavy Wheat
A Cave in the Clouds
A Young Woman's Escape from ISIS
Extreme Abilities
Amazing Human Feats and the Simple Science Behind Them
The Mole Sisters and the Blue Egg
The Mole Sisters and the Question
Funny, You Don't Look Autistic
A Comedian's Guide to Life on the Spectrum