2022 Atlantic Book Awards Nominees
The 36 books shortlisted for awards to be presented during the 2022 Atlantic Book Awards and Festival were revealed today during the Atlantic Spotlight at the Frye Festival in Moncton, NB. The nominated titles represent a wide range of books from Atlantic Canada, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and children’s books. The books shortlisted for 12 different prizes comprise 28 authors and three illustrators across 16 publishers, representing the best in Atlantic Canadian writing and publishing. This year features the inaugural Nova Scotia Book Awards gala, celebrating those prizes open only to Nova Scotian authors. These provincial awards were previously awarded as part of the regional Atlantic Book Awards. The Atlantic Book Awards Festival, a hybrid of in-person and virtual events featuring shortlisted authors and illustrators, runs June 2–9. A highlight this year is the Nova Scotia Book Awards ceremony, which will take place at Halifax City Hall on Monday, June 6. The Atlantic Book Awards Gala takes place on Thursday, June 9, at Paul O’Regan Hall in Halifax Central Library. The awards ceremony will also be live streamed so book lovers across the region and beyond can join in the celebration. https://atlanticbookawards.ca/

Changing the Face of Canadian Politics

Dying for Attention
A Graphic Memoir of Nursing Home Care

A memoir of a Newfoundland childhood and the raucous, terrible, amazing journey to becoming a novelist

My Daughter Rehtaeh Parsons

A Matter of Equality
The Life's Work of Senator Don Oliver

Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes

Jude and Diana

Short Mercy
A Novel

The Last Time I Saw Her

Beneath Her Skin
A Kes Morris File

A Womb in the Shape of a Heart
My Story of Miscarriage and Motherhood

Chemical Valley

The Running Trees

The Love Olympics

The Train

Swift Fox All Along

My Indian

Future Possible
An Art History of Newfoundland and Labrador

The Archaeology of the Atlantic Northeast

Insurgent Love
Abolition and Domestic Homicide

Poisonous If Eaten Raw

Myself A Paperclip
