University Press Week 2018
University Presses publish authors from around the world and right at home on subjects that are broad, niche, and every level of inquiry in between. Dive into a UP book and #TurnItUP

Keetsahnak / Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters

Rooster Town
The History of an Urban Métis Community, 1901–1961

The Stories Were Not Told
Canada’s First World War Internment Camps

Sharing Breath
Embodied Learning and Decolonization

Amma’s Daughters
A Memoir

The Viking Hoax That Rewrote History

Structures of Indifference
An Indigenous Life and Death in a Canadian City

Muscle on Wheels
Louise Armaindo and the High-Wheel Racers of Nineteenth-Century America

Live at The Cellar
Vancouver’s Iconic Jazz Club and the Canadian Co-operative Jazz Scene in the 1950s and ‘60s

Red Light Labour
Sex Work Regulation, Agency, and Resistance

Islam in the West
Beyond Integration

Resurgence and Reconciliation
Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings

Prairie Fairies
A History of Queer Communities and People in Western Canada, 1930-1985

Europe in the Shadow of the Beast

A Township at War

Indigenous Voices from Where the River Flows Swiftly

The Trans Generation
How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution

Water Rites
Reimagining Water in the West