Labour Day, Labour Books
Books about the labour movement and work, and workers.

Portraits of a Vanishing Canada

Enforcing Exclusion
Precarious Migrants and the Law in Canada

On the Line
A History of the British Columbia Labour Movement

Rough Work
Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882

Pain and Prejudice
What Science Can Learn about Work from the People Who Do It

Work in Transition
Cultural Capital and Highly Skilled Migrants' Passages into the Labour Market

Unions Matter
Advancing Democracy, Economic Equality, and Social Justice

Indigenous Women, Work, and History

Working Bodies
Chronic Illness in the Canadian Workplace

An Occupational ABC

Liberating Temporariness?
Migration, Work, and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity

Blood, Sweat, and Fear
Violence at Work in the North American Auto Industry, 1960–80

Crises in Canadian Work
A Critical Sociological Perspective

Borders in Service
Enactments of Nationhood in Transnational Call Centres

Lunch-Bucket Lives
Remaking the Workers’ City

Farm Workers in Western Canada
Injustices and Activism

Discounted Labour
Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939

Unfree Labour?
Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada

Not Talking Union
An Oral History of North American Mennonites and Labour

The Bunkhouse Man
Life and Labour in the Northern Work Camps

Global Labour in the Digital Vortex

Decolonizing Employment
Aboriginal Inclusion in Canada's Labour Market

Protest and Politics
The Promise of Social Movement Societies

The Empire of Mind
Digital Piracy and the Anti-Capitalist Movement