Rounding Up The Recommend
We've assembled the books contributing authors, bloggers, librarians, and otherwise cool CanLit-savvy people have so far put forth for our popular new series, The Recommend.

The Golden Spruce
A True Story of Myth, Madness and Greed

Bang Crunch

Pontypool Changes Everything
Movie Edition

For Sure

High-Water Mark

The Age

Bobcat and Other Stories

The Wondrous Woo

The Machine Dynasty, Book I

The Guardians

Traitors' Gate

The Purchase


All My Friends Are Superheroes
Tenth Anniversary Edition

Coping with Emotions and Otters


The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen


The Antagonist

The Best Place On Earth

The Perilous Trade
Book Publishing in Canada, 1946-2006