2013 Atlantic Book Awards Shortlists
The 2013 Atlantic Book Awards and Festival runs May 9-16 with free literary events taking place in all four Atlantic Provinces. Festival details will be available at www.atlanticbookawards.ca in the coming weeks. Winners of the 2013 Atlantic Book Awards will be announced at a special awards show on the last night of the week-long festival, Thursday, May 16, at 7:00 p.m. at the Alderney Landing Theatre in Dartmouth, NS. It’s a special year this year for the Dartmouth Book Awards – 2013 is the 25th anniversary of these awards, some of the oldest in Canada.

Live to Tell

Finding Peace, Love and Injustice in Sierra Leone

Enemy Territory

French Taste in Atlantic Canada 1604-1758, A Gastronomic History
Le goût Français au Canada Atlantique 1604-1758 : Une Histoire Gastronomique

The Metamorphosis
The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini

A History of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic to 1818

The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki

Nova Scotia's Historic Rivers
The Waterways That Shaped the Province

Grandma Says
Weather Lore From Meteorologist Cindy Day

Master and Madman
The Surprising Rise and Disastrous Fall of the Hon Anthony Lockwood RN

In Search of R.B. Bennett

Gift Horse



The Rest is Silence

Anna From Away

The Deception of Livvy Higgs

Driftwood Dragons
and other Seaside Poems

Toes in My Nose
And Other Poems

High-Water Mark


Other Side of Midnight, The
Taxi Cab Stories

In The Field

New Island Fiction