Atlantic Canadian eBooks
A dedicated list of eBooks from Atlantic Canada! A varied collection of regional History, Fiction, Memoir, Biography, Sports, Young Readers and more! Download on a wide array of digital devices.
A Neighbourly War
New Brunswick and the War of 1812
True Stories from Nova Scotia's Past
The Discovery of Weather
Stephen Saxby, the tumultuous birth of weather forecasting, and Saxby's Gale of 1869
Willie O'Ree
The story of the first black player in the NHL
The Rest is Silence
Master and Madman
The Surprising Rise and Disastrous Fall of the Hon Anthony Lockwood RN
The Town That Drowned
Of Earthly and River Things
An Angler's Memoir
Outlaw in India
Whirl Away
Inventing Academic Freedom
The 1968 Strax Affair at the University of New Brunswick
This Navy Doctor Came Ashore
All is Clam
A Shores Mystery
The Badger Redemption
The Loss of the Marion
Some Day the Sun Will Shine and Have Not Will Be No More
Classic Christmas Stories
Ten Thousand Truths
Blood Brothers in Louisbourg
A Novel
The Reluctant Detective
Thomas, A Secret Life
A Novel