Jan Zwicky
Books by Jan Zwicky

Once upon a Time in the West
Essays on the Politics of Thought and Imagination

Sixty-Seven Ontological Studies
49 Poems and 18 Photographs

The Collected Poetry of Carol Shields

The Experience of Meaning

Learning to Die
Wisdom in the Age of Climate Crisis

Power Politics

The Long Walk

Wittgenstein Elegies
Brick Books Classics 6

Alkibiades' Love
Essays in Philosophy

Chamber Music
The Poetry of Jan Zwicky

Wisdom & Metaphor

Vittoria Colonna
Selections from the Rime Spirituali with Photographs of Josep Maria Subirachs? Passion Façade

Lyric Philosophy


Plato as Artist

A Ragged Pen
Essays on Poetry & Memory

Writing the Terrain
Travelling Through Alberta with the Poets

Thirty-seven Small Songs & Thirteen Silences

Robinson's Crossing

Thinking and Singing
Poetry and the Practice of Philosophy

Why I Sing the Blues
Lyrics & Poems

Songs for Relinquishing the Earth

Wittgenstein Elegies