Winfried Siemerling
Books by Winfried Siemerling
Les écritures noires du Canada
L'Atlantique noir et la présence du passé
The Black Atlantic Reconsidered
Black Canadian Writing, Cultural History, and the Presence of the Past
Récits nord-américains d'émergence:cultu
Canada and Its Americas
Transnational Navigations
Canada & Its Americas
Transnational Navigations
Writing Ethnicity
Cross-Cultural Consciousness in Canadian and Quebecois Literature
Discoveries of the Other
Alterity in the Work of Leonard Cohen, Hubert Aquin, Michael Ondaatje, and Nicole Brossard
Discoveries of the Other
Alterity in the Work of Leonard Cohen, Hubert Aquin, Michael Ondaatje, and Nicole Brossard