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Lawrence Schimel

Lawrence Schimel is an award-winning author and anthologist who has published over 70 books in many genres, including four anthologies for Arsenal Pulp Press, all co-edited with Richard Labonte: The Future Is Queer (2006), the Lambda Award-winning First Person Queer (2007), its sequel Second Person Queer (2009), and I Like It Like That (2009). His other books include Lambda winner PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions about Gender and Sexuality (with Carol Queen), The Drag Queen of Elfland, The Mammoth Book of Gay Erotica, and Things Invisible to See: Lesbian and Gay Tales of Magic Realism. Formerly of New York, he has lived in Madrid, Spain since 1999.


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Books by Lawrence Schimel

Cristina Plays

by (author) Micaela Chirif
illustrated by Paula Ortiz
translated by Lawrence Schimel


How Baby Animals Come Into the World

by (author) Paulina Jara
illustrated by Mercè Galí
translated by Lawrence Schimel

My Heart Fills With Happiness / Mi corazón se llena de alegría

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Lawrence Schimel

You Hold Me Up / Tú me sostienes

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Lucky Me

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Juan Camilo Mayorga

Lucy juega al béisbol

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Your Brain Is Amazing

How the Human Mind Works

by (author) Esperanza Habinger
illustrated by Sole Sebastián
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Tú me sostienes

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Lucy juega al fútbol

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Bedtime, Not Playtime!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa

Early One Morning

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa

Trop tôt pour se lever!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa
translated by Rachel Martinez

Trop tard pour jouer!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa
translated by Rachel Martinez

Let's Go See Papá!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Alba Rivera
translated by Elisa Amado

Mi corazón se llena de alegría

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Tú eres tú

by (author) Richard Van Camp
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Lawrence Schimel

I Like It Like That

True Stories of Gay Male Desire

edited by Richard Labonte & Lawrence Schimel

Second Person Queer

edited by Richard Labonte & Lawrence Schimel

First Person Queer

Who We Are (So Far)

edited by Richard Labonte & Lawrence Schimel

The Future is Queer

A Science Fiction Anthology

edited by Richard Labonte & Lawrence Schimel