Donald J. Savoie
Books by Donald J. Savoie

Speaking Truth to Canadians about Their Public Service

Le Canada
Au-delà des rancunes, des doléances et de la discorde

Beyond Grudges, Grievances, and Disunity

Have Presidents and Prime Ministers Misdiagnosed the Patient?

L'entrepreneur rural John Bragg: la force derriere Oxford Frozen Foods et Eastlink.
la force derrière Oxford Frozen Foods et Eastlink

« Merci de nous avoir choisis »
K.C. Irving, Arthur Irving et l’histoire d’Irving Oil

« Merci de nous avoir choisis »
K.C. Irving, Arthur Irving et l'histoire d'Irving Oil

Thanks for the Business
K.C. Irving, Arthur Irving, and the Story of Irving Oil

La démocratie au Canada
L'effritement de nos institutions

Democracy in Canada
The Disintegration of Our Institutions

Se Debrouiller Par Ses Propres Moyens:
Le developpement economique dans les Maritimes

What Is Government Good At?
A Canadian Answer

Harrison McCain
Single-Minded Purpose

Whatever Happened to the Music Teacher?
How Government Decides and Why

Where Is It?

Moi, je suis de Bouctouche
Les racines bien ancrées

I'm from Bouctouche, Me
Roots Matter

The Thinking North America
Thinking North America

The Governance in a World without Frontiers
Governance in a World without Frontiers

Pulling Against Gravity
Economic Development in New Brunswick during the McKenna Years

Governance in the Twenty-first Century
Revitalizing the Public Service

Taking Stock
Assessing Public Sector Reforms

Governance in a Changing Environment

Equity and Efficiency in Economic Development
Essays in Honour of Benjamin Higgins