Arthur Milnes
Books by Arthur Milnes

With Faith and Goodwill
Chronicling the Canada-U.S. Friendship

Canada Always
The Defining Speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Canada Transformed
The Speeches of Sir John A. Macdonald

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter
A Canadian Tribute

Unrevised and Unrepented II
Debating Speeches and Others

The Authentic Voice of Canada
R.B. Bennett Speeches in the House of Lords, 1941-1947

In Roosevelt's Bright Shadow
A Collection in Honour of the 70th Anniversary of FDR's 1938 Speech at Queen's University and Marking Canada's Special Relationship with America's Presidents 1938 to Present Day

Age of the Offered Hand
The Cross-Border Partnership Between President George H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, A Documentary History
Politics of Purpose
The Right Honourable John N. Turner, 17th Prime Minister of Canada