Bernd Horn
Books by Bernd Horn
The Wrecking Crew
Operation Colossus, 10 February 1941
Shadow Warriors / Les Guerriers de l'Ombre
The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command / Le Commandement des Forces d’Opérations Spéciales du Canada
Canadian Forces in Afghanistan 3-Book Bundle
No Easy Task / No Ordinary Men / No Lack of Courage
No Ordinary Men
Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan
A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War
The SOE and the Canadian Connection
Forced to Change
Crisis and Reform in the Canadian Armed Forces
Of Courage and Determination
The First Special Service Force, "The Devil's Brigade," 1942-44
Of Courage and Determination
The First Special Service Force, "The Devil's Brigade," 1942–44
Doing Canada Proud
The Second Boer War and the Battle of Paardeberg
No Easy Task
Fighting in Afghanistan
Battle Cries in the Wilderness
The Struggle for North America in the Seven Years’ War
From Cold War to New Millennium
The History of The Royal Canadian Regiment, 1953–2008
No Lack of Courage
Operation Medusa, Afghanistan
Men of Steel
Canadian Paratroopers in Normandy, 1944
Fortune Favours the Brave
Tales of Courage and Tenacity in Canadian Military History
The Military Leadership Handbook
Le Précis de leadership militaire
Show No Fear
Daring Actions in Canadian Military History
Establishing a Legacy
The History of the Royal Canadian Regiment 1883-1953
Les guerriers intrépides
Perspectives sur les chefs militaires canadiens
Intrepid Warriors
Perspectives on Canadian Military Leaders
Le leadership militaire canadien francais
Continuité, Efficacité, et Loyauté
Casting Light on the Shadows
Canadian Perspectives on Special Operations Forces
Loyal Service
Perspectives on French-Canadian Military Leaders
Lumières sur les forces de l'ombre
Une perspective canadienne sur les Forces d'opérations spéciales
Perspectives on the Canadian Way of War
Serving the National Interest
Paras Versus the Reich
Canada's Paratroopers at War, 1942-1945
Tip of the Spear
An Intimate Account of 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion, 1942-1945
Chefs Guerriers
Perspectives concernant les militaires canadiens de haut niveau
La Fonction de général et l'art de l'amirauté
Warrior Chiefs
Perspectives on Senior Canadian Military Leaders