Andrew Hind
Books by Andrew Hind

Ghost Towns of Ontario's Cottage Country

Enchanting Stories from Cottage Country

Exploring Hidden Muskoka

Ghosts of Niagara-on-the-Lake

Canadian Monsters & Mythical Creatures

Haunted Museums & Galleries of Canada

Haunted Museums & Galleries of Ontario

Andrew Hind and Maria Da Silva 3-Book Bundle
RMS Segwun / Ghost Towns of Muskoka / Ghosts of Niagara-on-the-Lake

Haunted Ontario Lakes
Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories of the First World War

Notorious Ontario
Outlaws, Criminals & Gangsters

Strange Events of Ontario
Chilling Tales of Phantoms, Curses and Hauntings


Ghost Stories of the War of 1812
Haunted Spirits of Canada and the U.S.

RMS Segwun
Queen of Muskoka

More Ontario Ghost Stories

Rebels Against Tories in Upper Canada 1837

Ghost Town Stories of Ontario

Muskoka Resorts
Then and Now

Secrets of Lake Simcoe
Fascinating stories from Ontario's past

Cottage Country Ghosts
Ontario Hauntings

Daredevils, Danger and Extraordinary Stories