Stephen Clarkson
Books by Stephen Clarkson

An Independent Foreign Policy for Canada?
Clarkson Trilogy
9780802085390 / 96531 & 9781442612778

Dependent America?
How Canada and Mexico Construct US Power

A Perilous Imbalance
The Globalization of Canadian Law and Governance

My Life as a Dame
The Personal and Political Writings of Christina McCall

Does North America Exist?
Governing the Continent After NAFTA and 9/11

My Life as a Dame /hc
The Personal and Political Writings of Christina McCall

The Big Red Machine
How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics

Uncle Sam and Us
Globalization, Neoconservatism, and the Canadian State

Canada and the Reagan Challenge
Crisis and Adjustment, 1981-85

The Soviet Theory of Development
India and the Third World in Marxist-Leninist Scholarship