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Foreign Language Study English As A Second Language

The Broadview Book of Common Errors in English - ESL Edition

ESL Edition

by (author) Martin Boyne & Don LePan

Broadview Press
Initial publish date
May 1995
English as a Second Language, Grammar & Punctuation
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    May 1995
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The ESL edition of Common Errors in English offers a comprehensive survey of the sorts of difficulties second language learners most often experience with English—and provides real help to students in overcoming them. The body of the book is organized according to grammatical categories, covering such topics as Verb Tense difficulties; Word Order Problems; Negation; Gerunds and Direct Objects; Singular and Plural Difficulties; and Direct and Indirect Speech. Included as well is a comprehensive section on usage and meaning, and a list of words commonly misspelled.

The authors take care to avoid the harshly prescriptive; the book is informed throughout by a sympathetic understanding both of the difficulties that face every ESL student and of the particular problems faced by individuals from different linguistic backgrounds as they learn the peculiarities of English grammar and usage. The book includes a generous selection of exercises informed by these principles, and an accompanying answer key.

Common Errors in English: ESL Edition will be an invaluable reference text for second language learners at a wide variety of levels.

About the authors

Martin Boyne's profile page

Don LePan, founder and CEO of academic publishing house Broadview Press, is the author of several non-fiction books and of two other works of fiction; his novel Animals (2010) has been described by Nobel Prize winner J.M. Coetzee as “a powerful piece of writing and a disturbing call to conscience.”


Don LePan's profile page

Editorial Reviews

“A practical, well-organized and straightforward guide. This book is a must for every ESL teacher and every ESL student.” — Mark Angerilli, ESL Teacher Training Program, University of British Columbia.

“An excellent easy-to-use reference guide for all students. Especially helpful are the exercises which address specific problems of students who speak certain specific foreign languages.” — Sister Marie Lorraine Bruno, Immaculata College

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